Lost 45lbs, repaired her body and feels great.

She'd fallen off the wagon with family life, a never-ending busy work schedule and finally menopause. Before she knew it, she was dragging her heels because she felt so tired and "yucky".


Her clothes didn’t fit anymore. She didn’t have the energy to do things like skiing or walking. Her hips and knees had become a serious problem.


She learned how to become consistent with her fitness by being accountable to her coach. She lost over 45lbs of fat, put on muscle and her clothes fit the way she wanted. She learned how to keep her aches and pains at bay and significantly increased her fitness levels.

Natalie B. 60, Real Estate Agent and Mom

Manor Park, ON

She was skeptical and thought that nothing could be done after 50.

Joy felt defeated after her GP told her that she should just get used to being overweight. She joined with Evertrain after a friend's recommendation. Although not optimistic about achieving her goals at first, 5 years later she's addicted to the feeling of being strong and fit.


Along with gaining some extra "50s weight", Joy struggled with a diagnosis of Early Onset Parkinson's disease. She had developed a limp and was challenged by every day activities. She was almost ready to give up on trying.


Now she's stronger than ever. She feels great in her clothes after losing the "50s weight". She's not only avoid regression, but has reversed her Parkinson's symptoms. She no longer limps and is confident and ready to age powerfully moving towards retirement.

Joy N. 59, Mediator and Mother

Beacon Hill, ON

From Lockdown Blues to Fit, Strong and Excited for More

Derek became a member during a series of lockdowns/gym closures. Like a lot of us, the lockdowns were quite tough on him. With his normal activities and hobbies limited, he realized he let himself become the heaviest he’d ever been.


Derek had some success with fitness on his own and had even lost some weight. However, he knew he couldn't sustain it on his own with little exercise experience. He had never performed deadlifts or any heavy strength lifts and wasn't sure how to avoid injury. He had back pain and stiffness and didn't know how to fix it.


Derek became significantly more flexible and learned how to maintain his body with regular rolling and stretching routines. He also became stronger than expected on his bench press, deadlifts and squats. He surprised his coaches with a one repetition 300lb deadlift! Now he is on the path to maintaining his new strength and fitness for life.

Derek P. 53, Government Worker and Father

Gloucester, ON

We help people over 50 get out of pain and lose weight. 💪

Our programs are carefully designed for the unique needs of the over 50 person and made for immediate and longterm success. By avoiding 'cookie cutter' and 'quick-fix' solutions, you can rest assured that your coach will work with you as an individual and take you through the right steps to avoid injuries and other pitfalls that come when pushed too quickly.

  • Move better, get out of pain and avoid injury

  • Get into great shape and reach your ideal weight

  • Develop strength and gain confidence

  • Get excited for a strong and healthy future

What Clients Say About Us

I have been with Evertrain virtually for about 4 months now and I've achieved goals I wasn't able to achieve for years. I consider myself well informed about eating and exercise. I would've called myself a healthy eater, yet I couldn't lose weight. I thought that it must be a 50s thing. Fast forward 4 months later and I've crushed my original goal and now taking on bigger goals. I truly feel my success can be attributed to consistency and without having Kyle and the Evertain process, I wouldn't have that. I love that all my workouts are designed for me so I don't have to think about anything and question what I 'should' be doing. I'm so grateful that I took the leap and hired a trainer through Evertain! Big thanks to Kyle!


Jennifer T. 53, Entrepreneur and Mom

St. Catharines, ON

Jane Doe

I love that the studio focusses on the over 50 crowd and has really honed my workouts to be effective yet to bear in mind all the "issues" I started with and got them better as opposed to aggravating them.

The nutrition component has been key too. I've lost 32 lbs in 9 months and they are pounds that are going to stay off!


Natalie B. 60, Real Estate Agent and Mom

Manor Park, ON

Jane Doe

Take charge of your health and your future.

Schedule a Call Today.

Contact Us


524 Montréal Road, Ottawa ON K1K 0T9

Phone Number:

(613) 703-0409

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