We help people over 50 get out of pain and lose weight. 💪

Personal Training for Over 50s in Ottawa, Ontario

  • Get rid of aches and pains

  • Lose weight and feel great

  • Become strong and confident

Are you waiting for something to happen before you commit to your health and fitness? 🤔⏱

For 7+years we've met 100s of people over 50. Here's what we’ve learned:

  • They know health and fitness is important and it gets harder as they age.

  • They often wait until things get bad enough before taking action (i.e. weight, injuries, etc).

  • Time flies and before you know it they’re left wondering where the time went.

But most importantly they realize that the more they wait the more they will…

Miss out on living life the way they’ve always wanted if they don’t get their health and fitness under control. ⛷🚴‍♀️✈️💪

Our Programs

Our programs are carefully designed for the unique needs of the over 50 person and made for immediate and longterm success. By avoiding 'cookie cutter' and 'quick-fix' solutions, you can rest assured that your coach will work with you as an individual and take you through the right steps to avoid injuries and other pitfalls that come when pushed too quickly.

Private Training

Our premier 1:1 coaching program that offers a full suite of 50+ focused strength training programs, tools, coaching support & accountability to set you up for longterm success.

Semi-Private Training

Semi-private training is for couples or small groups up to 4 people. We optimize the coach to trainee ratio so all participants receive the amount of personalized attention they need.

Online Coaching

Customized fitness plans, troubleshooting, app-tracking, coaching support & accountability from a distance. Great for those distanced from our Ottawa location and with prior training experience.

Our Programs

Our programs are carefully designed for the unique needs of the over 50 person and made for immediate and longterm success. By avoiding 'cookie cutter' and 'quick-fix' solutions, you can rest assured that your coach will work with you as an individual and take you through the right steps to avoid injuries and other pitfalls that come when pushed too quickly.

Private Training

Our premier 1:1 coaching program that offers a full suite of 50+ focused strength training programs, tools, coaching support & accountability to set you up for longterm success.

Semi-Private Training

Semi-private training is for couples or small groups up to 4 people. We optimize the coach to trainee ratio so all participants receive the amount of personalized attention they need.

Online Coaching

Customized fitness plans, troubleshooting, app-tracking, coaching support & accountability from a distance. Great for those distanced from our Ottawa location and with prior training experience.

Private Training

Our premier 1:1 coaching program. After the initial assessment process, your coach will be your guide and support system along the path to sustainable and ever-progressing results. Along with custom programs, real-time troubleshooting and app-tracking, the personalized attention and care is a large reason for why this is our most popular program.

Semi-Private Training

The semi-private version of our popular private training program. Trainees can train as couples or in a group of up to 4. We maintain a maximum of 4 people per group to keep a healthy coach to trainee ratio. This ensures everyone gets the personalized attention they need. A great program for people who enjoy training with their spouse or other like-minded over 50s with similar goals.

Online Coaching

If you're too far to receive in-person training and you have training experience, online coaching is a great way to get the planning, modification, support and accountability to get strong and into great shape.

With the use of our training app, virtual coaching calls and remote coaching support you can skip the endless research and guess work and get on the path to success right away.

Developed By Julie and Andre St.Amour. Designed to get people over 50 out of pain and feeling strong for life.

The Evertrain Method was developed after working with hundreds of people over 50 across North America spanning 13+ years.

We noticed that so many people over 50 were facing the same dilemma and felt stuck. They were often on the verge of giving up. They felt they only had two options.

  1. Try to get in shape and risk getting hurt by doing it on your own or with a trainer who doesn't know how to work with you.

  1. Or, do nothing and gradually get into worse shape, in more pain and make the problem(s) worse.

It's sad and all too common. But it doesn't have to be this way. The Evertrain Method was created to solve this dilemma.

The Evertrain Method will guide you through a personalized set of 4 key stages of fitness; Injury Prevention, Muscle-Building, Endurance and Strength.

Your training will help you to experience immediate results, without skipping steps or rushing you to the point of injury and will focus on building lifelong health and fitness so that you can age powerfully!

How To Get Started

Tired of being in pain, weak and out of shape, but feel stuck because you’re afraid of getting injured with exercise? When you’re stuck like this, the longer you wait to fix things, the bigger the problems become. We understand what it’s like to have injuries and inconsistency get in the way of having the healthy and strong body that you want.

Since 2015, we’ve helped 100s of people over 50 across North America take charge of their health and get on the path for a lifetime of feeling strong, pain-free and confident to take on the challenges of the future. With our LifeLong Strong - Trial you’ll get the tools and training you need to get started on the right path towards a strong and healthy life after 50.


Register & Schedule a Call

Sign-up for your LifeLong Strong - Trial and Schedule an Orientation Call with an Evertrain Success Coach.


LifeLong Strong - Trial

Initial Movement Assessments, Mobility Crash Course and Curated Strength After 50-Focused Training.


Next Steps Game Plan

Discover the steps to take your health and fitness to the next stage and form a strength and longevity action plan.

How To Get Started

Tired of being in pain, weak and out of shape, but feel stuck because you’re afraid of getting injured with exercise? When you’re stuck like this, the longer you wait to fix things, the bigger the problems become. We understand what it’s like to have injuries and inconsistency get in the way of having the healthy and strong body that you want.

Since 2015, we’ve helped 100s of people over 50 across North America take charge of their health and get on the path for a lifetime of feeling strong, pain-free and confident to take on the challenges of the future. With our LifeLong Strong - Trial you’ll get the tools and training you need to get started on the right path towards a strong and healthy life after 50.


Register & Schedule a Call

Sign-up for your LifeLong Strong - Trial and Schedule an Orientation Call with an Evertrain Success Coach.


LifeLong Strong - Trial

Initial Movement Assessments, Mobility Crash Course and Curated Strength After 50-Focused Training.


Next Steps Game Plan

Discover the steps to take your health and fitness to the next stage and form a strength and longevity action plan.

What Clients Say About Us

I have been with Evertrain virtually for about 4 months now and I've achieved goals I wasn't able to achieve for years. I consider myself well informed about eating and exercise. I would've called myself a healthy eater, yet I couldn't lose weight. I thought that it must be a 50s thing. Fast forward 4 months later and I've crushed my original goal and now taking on bigger goals. I truly feel my success can be attributed to consistency and without having Kyle and the Evertain process, I wouldn't have that. I love that all my workouts are designed for me so I don't have to think about anything and question what I 'should' be doing. I'm so grateful that I took the leap and hired a trainer through Evertain! Big thanks to Kyle!


Jennifer T. 53, Entrepreneur and Mom

St. Catharines, ON

Jane Doe

I love that the studio focusses on the over 50 crowd and has really honed my workouts to be effective yet to bear in mind all the "issues" I started with and got them better as opposed to aggravating them.

The nutrition component has been key too. I've lost 32 lbs in 9 months and they are pounds that are going to stay off!


Natalie B. 60, Real Estate Agent and Mom

Manor Park, ON

Jane Doe

Take charge of your health and your future.

Schedule a Call Today.

Contact Us


524 Montréal Road, Ottawa ON K1K 0T9

Phone Number:

(613) 703-0409

Social Media Links





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